Hey! I’m Conrad Booker
I am a first year CS student at Northwestern University. I design and develop
full stack web and mobile applications. I also design things on the side,
such as maps and mobile mock ups. Check out some of my work below!
Faster real-time subway service disruption information, for NYC (completed) and Chicago (in progress)

All my projects!

Relax Sense
Mockup for BioDesign summit 2024

Transit Bandage
Faster real-time subway disruption information

Transit Maps
Various maps for cities

PlanIt App
A homework app and a planner in one

Trin Drop
A platform for students to track their class changes
trin drop, relax sense mockups, redshift internship, various map projects, transit bandage, planit homework app
Languages: Swift, Python, JavaScript, CSS, HTML

Frameworks: Node JS, React/React Native, Bootstrap, Git, Heroku,

© 2025 Conrad Booker
Website created and designed by Conrad Booker. Hosted using Github Pages. View the source code here!